Friday, January 8, 2010

4 Things you MUST do this weekend!!

It has been said that nobody ever drowned in a pool of sweat. It's probably true. Yet there is a trend in exercise that seems to indicate the opposite.

When muscles burn; when oxygen is running low; when lungs are on fire; when 5 seconds feels like 5 days - these are the times when people want to run away.

I was talking this morning with a class member and it occurred to me that so many people watch shows like "the Biggest Loser" and say I want to do that. And that is a good thing. We need motivation, both internal and external.

But consider the situation those people are in, and you begin to see that whole "RESULTS NOT TYPICAL" fine print come into play:
  • These people are morbidly obese (over 500 lbs!!) so pretty much any activity will cause them to lose weight...
  • They exercise 4 hours per day, everyday...
  • They have meals made for them...
  • They are only around others who are trying to lose weight
  • They are PRISONERS on a campus where they cannot leave if they wanted to.
So here is another quote for you:


If you want to lose 5 pounds in a week, You better be ready to put in the effort, You better be ready to be sore and exhausted after each workout, and You better be ready to have NO EXCUSES!

There is nothing I want more than for the people in our class than to get stronger, lose weight and feel good about their body, both inside and outside. But it often seems that many people get sore, get sweaty and then get upset because it shouldn't be this hard. But lets look at it from the other end...

...getting SO out of shape shouldn't be this EASY.

So here is the task for the weekend, and it may seem EXTRAORDINARY, but remember what EXTRAORDINARY results are made of.
  1. Set up an account with and plug in your information to get an estimate of your daily resting expenditure (RMR). If you already have one START USING IT.
  2. Do as much of the the Hi-5 FitCamp daily warm-up as you can on Saturday. Do it early because you will only get busier as the day goes on.
  3. Do the following circuit 3 times on Sunday: Push-ups (12/20) - Squats or Lateral/Side-to-side Squat Jumps (12/20) - Side Plank (:20/:45) - Hip Bridges (20/30) - Jumping Jacks (30/50) - Rest 1:00. The numbers in the parentheses are (beginner/advanced).
  4. Eat at least 4 pieces of fruit on each day, 2 each to have as a snack between breakfast/lunch and lunch/dinner.
You have to get into the habit of eating clean and moving. That is the only way to effectively lose weight. It's really that simple.

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