Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Many of you are probably very sore today. And for good reason: there hasn't been much movement in your life over the past 2 weesks, 2 months or 2 years. No matter how long it has been, if there is a significant time gap between exercise or even full range movement, you're going to be sore.

And then there I am to add some external resistance and intervals to the mix.

Yeah... I get it. You're probably REALLY sore.

But soreness is simply caused by your muscles being used in a new range of motion. You see ECCENTRIC exercises, such as lowering yourself into a squat, pushup or rolling out on the stability ball rollout that we did yesterday, is what causes that delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

So how can you reduce the soreness and make it disappear quicker? Here is what you need to do in order of importance.
  1. Stretch/Massage - Stretching and light exercise (walking up stairs, body weight squats, wall stretches) help to get blood flowing into the muscles. Blood will help to remove the metabolic waste that was produced as you forced the muscles to "let go." Massage, even self massage on a foam roller will help to increase blood flow to the area bringing nutrients and oxygen, while removing the waste. So if you're moving and all of a sudden you are reminded of me, you should probably move like that some more to help ease the soreness.
  2. Eat Better food - You are what you eat; especially at a time when your body is rebuilding.High nutrient foods such as vegetables, fruit, and lean meats will provide the building blocks to restore your muscle quicker. Research and practical experience support this. Look at it this way, who would you rather look like: the average McDonald's customer, or the "average" person who eats whole foods such as fruit and veggies?YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.
  3. Drink lots of water - Water is required to help transport the vitamins, minerals and nutrients into your muscle cells. More water = increased uptake of the good stuff you are putting in your body from step 2. Increase your water intake by 1/2 to 1 liter.
Recovery won't occur in 5 minutes, but there are things you can do to speed it up AND make it more effective. The choice is yours.

Stretch - Eat right - Drink water.

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